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Week Fifteen - Philadelphia Marathon Training

Monday - Intervals (10 min warmup, run 5 minutes, rest 1 minute X6)

Tuesday - 30 min easy run

Wednesday - 20 min easy run

Thursday - 20 min easy run

Friday - 30 min easy run

Saturday - Long Run - 10 min easy, 50 min marathon pace, 10 min easy

Sunday - 40 min easy run/walk

One week until marathon day! I don't know if I'm ready or not. I think I generally liked this training plan but the volume of running was pretty low. I would say I'm cautiously optimistic. My next marathon is in March and I'm not realizing my planning wasn't great, I'll be back to marathon training by mid December. I'll have to see how things go next week and decide if I'll restart the same training plan or switch it up with something different. I do know for sure I wish I'd done more strength training. I backed of on it a bit to make more time for running but I think it would be beneficial to maintain more strength training.

This week, I traveled for work which meant my schedule was off. I was home Monday morning so I was able to do a great interval workout early Monday morning. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I had long workdays so I did easy early morning runs on the treadmill. Conveniently, my hotel room was on the first floor next to the fitness center which was really nice. I definitely missed running outside and getting fresh air. I was at the worksite from 6:30am to 5:30pm, mostly sitting. It was dark when we arrived and when we left for the day. Except for leaving to pickup lunch, I missed the sun and being outside. I don't mind running outside in the dark and have the proper gear but I didn't want to pack all of that and I didn't want to run in unfamiliar territory in the dark so I stuck with the treadmill.

This week I need to get my headspace right because I don't feel like I'm about to run a marathon!


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