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2016 Goal Update: March

Check out my original goal post here.

-Run at least one race every month: Check! Shamrock Marathon April’s race: Garden Spot Half Marathon

-Save money, pay off debts, own less: I did my taxes this month and the moment my refund is available, it’s going right towards debts. I didn’t get to any major cleanout projects this month but I did do some minor purging as I went.

-Run a sub two hour half: Not this month, I am set to start a new half marathon training program in June which will lead up to my September half marathon. I’m looking for some nice time improvements in September and October this year. I’m hesitant to call this goal ‘sub two hour’, it’s really more of a see some marked time improvement but I like to put a number on things, it helps me clearly see if I’ve met my goal or how close I came.

-Start my days earlier and be more mindful of how I spend my time: I do start my days earlier than I used to but now that the time has changed, I’m hoping to add some intense morning workouts back into my schedule. I was largely mindful of how I spent time this month, with the caveat that I had the better part of a week of work for Easter and that time was not nearly as productive as I would have liked it to be. I’m choosing to see the value in catching up on some tv and sleep and getting to see Dan for 6 straight days though. We did a lot of productive stuff it just wasn’t necessarily the things on my list. Oh well, it was a fun long weekend and that’s pretty valuable too.

-Get back to more regular food logging: Current logging streak- 73 days!

-Buy more local produce: I didn’t buy local produce this month, but I did come to the decision that I am not going to join a CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) this year. There are a few reasons but honestly, it’s pricey, was difficult to use even my half share last year, and every Thursday afternoon meant Dan and I texting each other to figure out who had time to pick up the share within certain hours. All in all, the CSA last year did exactly what I wanted, it forced me to get creative and learn how to eat some new things. I’ve scouted out a few great local produce stands I plan to go to this year and I’ll be looking for items I didn’t like at this time last year because I learned to like them through the CSA.

-Write/Post More: Still maintaining my monthly goal update and race recaps. I have more creative posts in the pipeline as well.

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